Testimonials, Prayer Requests and Comments
Having Faith in St. Rita Has The Power To Change Your Life
"St. Rita, so humble, so pure, so mortified, so patient and of such compassionate love for thy crucified Jesus,
that thou couldst obtain from Him whatsover thou askest, on account of which all confidently have recourse to
thee, expecting if not always relief, at least comfort"
I will be posting many stories and testimonies about how this prayer has changed my life. We may not always get the answer that we are looking for when we pray, however every time I have prayed to St. Rita I have always received "at least comfort." That has made such a big difference in my life. Most of the time when I pray to St. Rita, my prayers are answered in the manner in which I hoped. But God always knows what is best for us and somehow, through saying this prayer, I seem to know that when my prayer is answered with the outcome that I had hoped for, I still have an overwhelming sense of peace, for St. Rita always provides "at least comfort."
We must remember that when we pray, we should never prayer for things. Rather, we should pray that God's will be done. I personally view prayer as a way of connecting with God directly or through our Saints in order to gain strength.
“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.” - Mother Teresa
We all interpret prayer in many different ways. I feel that this prayer gives me the faith and the strength to allow God's love to intervene with my life and allow things that would otherwise seem impossible, become suddenly possible. Again, I will be posting many stories of things that have happened in my life that once seemed impossible, yet they happened! I have witnessed countless miracles since I have started saying this prayer on a near daily basis. My hope is that this prayer will have the same power in your life that it has had in mind. It doesn't matter what religion you affiliate yourself with, whether or not you are religious at all, whether or not you go to church because that is YOUR personal relationship with God. This site is not intended to persuade you to become Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, nor any other religion. My prayer for you is that you will begin to say this prayer and turn to St. Rita of Cascia for strength and faith when everything seems impossible. You will find that nothing is impossible if you believe in the power of St. Rita and this prayer.
The following are testimonials that have been submitted to me with permission to post. Most wish to remain anonymous. Each story is a testament to the power of this prayer to St. Rita. Please feel free to submit your story to me via the "Contact" page. Thank you! Please note: It can take up to 30 days for me to receive your message.
Testimonial: Anonymous
My mom is going through a financial crisis and she stands to lose nearly everything that she has ever worked for in her life. She has lost a business that was once thriving, her credit is ruined, she turned in her car, she can no longer use her credit cards, her entire life savings is wiped out and she is taking it a day at a time. She is grateful that she still has her health and her home. She was told this week that because her name is on the paperwork for my brother's condo, she may lose that as well. He has owned that condo for years and put thousands of dollars of work into it. He has paid the mortgage and with my mom's help it has been a home for my brother for many years. Her anxiety and fear took over her for several days. No matter how much I tried to convince her that it would be ok, she was literally making herself sick over the idea of losing that condo and forcing my brother to move.
I prayed and prayed and prayed. And I know that she did as well. The following day, I had a meeting with her attorney and he informed me that if she did not claim the property on her income tax, the property could not be taken away. I immediately called her, but she did not answer. I came home from work and said this prayer to St. Rita and pleaded with all of my heart for this to work in my mom's favor. She had lost enough. She had been through enough. But again, as always, I prayed that if my prayer weren't answered in my mother's favor, to give us the strength and comfort that we would need to get through this.
About 2 hours later I was able to get in touch with my mom. She had not filed the property on her taxes. This meant that my brother's condo would not be liquidated and he would not be forced to move. The sigh of relief in my mom's voice made my day. It made my weekend. I am so thankful and I believe so much in the power of this prayer. For days, several very intelligent people could see no way that this could be resolved. Yet, God and St. Rita had the solution all along.
Thank you St. Rita, once again, for helping me and my family get through yet another ordeal that seemed impossible. For with you in my life I know that nothing is impossible.
Testimonial: Anonymous
I have been in the Real Estate industry for 16 years. As you may be aware, the market "crashed" in 2007. I saw my income drop from $60,000 to $18,0000. I had to go and get a "job." The Real Estate school that I had worked so hard to open was empty. What was once a full classroom with students actually asking me if they could come they would even sit on the floor, was now an empty room with no students. I only sold 1 house that year and every other year I had sold at least 10 properties. It was a total nightmare. I watched my mom (who owns the company) go further and further into debt. She was told that she could not file bankruptcy because she had too much equity in her home. There seemed to be no way out, so we just kept working and working and praying and praying. The past 5 years have been extremely hard. We have run out of money numerous times. My mom has just been borrowing and borrowing to keep the company open. She was not able to close the company because of her franchise agreement. If she broke the agreement early she would be held personally responsible for "future income." Her only way out was bankruptcy and we were told by several attorneys that it wasn't an option.
In 2010 things started to turn around. I changed the way I did business to include property management and rentals, I was back to selling 10 properties again. Yes, the sales prices were much lower but I was selling again. The State changed the education requirement laws which resulted in a boom in my real estate education business. And one day while I was at a closing I overheard an attorney talking about new bankruptcy laws that would now allow my mom to end her franchise agreement early and file bankruptcy and relieve her from all of this weight and debt. It changed everything. The impossible had happened!
If somebody had told me in 2007 that we would be opening a new company, selling houses and my school would be booming and I would be so busy with the companies that I would be working 55 hours per week I would have NEVER believed them. I would have said "Impossible." Yesterday, as I stood before the 10 students in my class (we only hold 13 students so anything over 7 students is considered a "full class"), I realized that the "impossible" had happened. St. Rita was there all along making this possible for us. I am still in awe that while other companies are closing and slow, we are extremely busy and we've been granted a new beginning. This is another testimony that when you pray to St. Rita and you believe, she will make things possible in your life that you didn't even bother to ask for because you deemed it impossible yet St. Rita has proven otherwise. God works miracles through St. Rita and I hope that this story will help you to believe and put your trust in St. Rita that nothing is impossible!
7/29/2012: Testimonial Submitted by Marcie
When I was first told I might have cancer of the thyroid, I was very afraid, as my aunt, my brother, and my sister all had to have their thyroids removed due to cancer. I didn't want to start taking MORE medication than I already am due to diabetes. I bought a small statuette of St. Rita, and prayed to her. In two years since, the doctor has only seen a lot of nodules in my thyroid, not big enough to determine if they are cancer, but they are definitely NOT growing. A friend's mother was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, had her thyroid removed. I bought her the same statuette of St. Rita, and she has been stable since then. Cured? Only God knows. I am now praying that if it be God's Will, that a scout will notice my son and recognize all the adversity he has gone through in order to continue to be a pitcher in a game he loves so much. He is a great pitcher but due to his size (5'7") and his speed (80-88 mph), although he is a leftie, he has not gotten any looks. He was cut in his senior year, and instead of being devestated, with our help and prayers, he was able to compete in other teams and be noticed to be placed in a jr college. He is now in a university setting, still playing the game. We pray that he may be able to advance to the next step, if that is God's Will for him. Amen.
9/2/12: Submitted by myself, web page author
On several occasions this week I came across something that had St. Rita's name on it. It makes me feel like she is with me and hears my prayers. Some things might be coincidental, however when it happens over and over I believe it is a sign that St. Rita is with me. You may notice it as well as you prayer to her.
Last week a client came to my door with a St. Rita polo shirt on. There is a school in my area called St. Rita, however I still thought it was ironic that he came in with that shirt on, especially considering he is in his 60's. Again last week I was praying to St. Rita really hard about something. I was even crying because I was so upset about a certain situation. I pulled myself together and decided to go for a walk. As soon as I walked outside of my door there was a guy standing in the street with a St. Rita t-shirt on. I had to smile and I felt much better knowing that St. Rita was with me. A few days later I saw the same guy walking down my street with the same t-shirt on. I said hello to him and he responded by stating that he was ok but he would be better if he could find a way to make money. I believe he needs some prayers. He is possibly a graduate of St. Rita school and I'm asking you to keep him in your prayers as well.
I believe that we get signs from our angels, from God, from Saints and even our loved ones who have crossed over. Sometimes they can be dismissed as coincidence but more often I believe that we are receiving a special gift. A gift of assurance that our prayers are being heard. I don't think it is a coincidence that I have seen several people with the St. Rita shirt on within the past 2 weeks. I pray that St. Rita continues to walk with me and you as well.
I know a young boy a family friend in India who is 30 years and has brain tumour. He was operated once before and now again there was again some growth and the doctors have operated on him and he is in the ICU. He is married and has a 2yr old kid. and he is the only son. Please pray for him and his family that with all our prayers he should become alright again.
Thanking you, Grace
I was very ill with an intestinal disorder for three years. I had been to many doctors and no one seemed to be able to diagnose the cause.
Saint Rita's prayer card came to my house in the mail one day. I decided to start praying for her intercession right away because my healing seemed impossible.
Within a week, I felt a strong inner guidance to contact a certain local doctor I had not yet seen. He listened to my symptoms, and instead of running yet another battery of tests, he gave me medicine that he thought fit the symptoms. In two weeks, I was completely healed and was able to have a normal life again.
I know that St. Rita changed my life and I am forever grateful to her.
Recently, I needed gall bladder surgery. I prayed to St. Rita to help me through it because I had felt so ill before it. Everything went beautifully, and when I went back to the surgeon's office for the two week post-operative check-up, I was told I looked great for someone who had just had major surgery. I am 65 years old. St. Rita is a wonderful friend and protector.
please heal me of bladder and bone cancer, please heal my sister of eye cancer and detached retina,please heal my brother of bladder cancer and parkinsons,please heal my mother of bladder cancer ,eye disease,and give her strength in her arms and legs,plese heal my sister of arthitis and cirosis of the liver
All I've ever wanted in my life is to get married and to have children. Well, I was married about 10 years ago but it didn't work out. I had subsequent relationships that ended and I'm nearly 40 years old, but I still haven't given up on my dream to get married and have a baby. If in the end it doesn't happen, I believe that I was probably meant to adopt. But I won't give up on believing until I am physically unable to have children.
A couple of weeks ago I visited my gynecologist and he told me that it was almost impossible to have children after 39. If you are a woman and you are reading this you are probably thinking "that's not true! I know so and so who had a baby at 41, 42, etc." Even Hally Berry is pregnant at 46! But I must admit that I was practically in tears at the doctor's office and when I came home. Then suddenly I actually laughed out loud because I thought to myself "Impossible? Impossible? That doctor doesn't know that I'm best friends with the Saint of the Impossible!!!!" It made me giggle and cheer up. I know that St. Rita will lead me in the right path and make the "impossible" happen even if I have to adopt.
Also, ironically, on three different occasions in the past week I have seen items such as sweatshirts, pennants on a wall and even a baseball cap that had St. Rita on them. We do have a local high school called St. Rita but I still thought it was St. Rita's way of letting me know that she's with me. She is, after all, known for helping women who are infertile and with St. Rita and God there is no such thing as "Impossible!"
Testimonial: Posted by myself, web page author
Today is the Feast Day of St. Rita and I would like to reflect on how much finding this prayer card has changed my life. I feel like my day isn't complete until I've prayed to St. Rita. Usually I pray and give thanks, or ask Her to bless a loved one who may be sick or I ask for special blessings for different situations and my prayers are always answered. Today I when I prayed I simply thanked St. Rita for coming into my life and for holding my hand and getting me through so many trials and tribulations. I also thanked St. Rita for blessing so many of my friends and family members and allowing the "impossible" to happen for them as well. Today St. Rita is at the right hand of God and Jesus and Mary and let's always remember to thank Her, today on the day of Her feast and every day.
Submitted Anonymously
I was stuck in a dead-end job with an insanely long commute. It created much difficulty for my family and was just hard to get up and face that commute. It was a commute that was so long and bad by the time I got to work, I felt like I had already put a full day’s worth of work in.
It was also a dead-end job with a big company that had done several rounds of downsizing. It also in a part of the country where few job opportunities existed. If I moved and ended up getting laid off, it would be hard to find another job in that region.
My wife absolutely didn’t want to move there and I wasn’t thrilled about the prospect, but wanted to end the commute.
We were faced with moving to some place we didn’t want to move to to work at a company that was struggling financially in a region that had few jobs. Or endure an awful commute that, on some days, made it impossible to see my child.
One day, I saw an ad for a company I always dreamed of working for, but never thought I actually would get the chance.
I sent them a resume just because I had nothing to lose. It would require a move, but we’d be relocating to another city where there were tons of job opportunities.
I didn’t expect to hear anything, but surprisingly, I did. I was so excited. They wanted me to fill out a survey, write an essay and do a little mini-interview. It didn’t work out, but I didn’t expect it would.
About a month later, another similar opportunity came along. Again, they expressed interest. I couldn’t let two opportunities pass because I knew there would never be a third.
I did everything I could to land this job. As a Catholic, I began praying to saints and even looked up the Saint of The Impossible. I had never heard of St. Rita before, but I figured it was worth a try.
Here is the amazing thing. While praying to St. Rita, a rival of the company I wanted to work for care out of the blue and offered me much better job than the one I wanted.
It was completely surprising and unexpected and all because I prayed to St. Rita.
I could not believe it. I asked St. Rita for one job and she found me a better one. Now I’ve got a great job at a great company in a city with tons of opportunities. I also now have a commute where I can take my son to day care, much less worry that I won’t see him at night.
This is all because of St. Rita and I am so grateful and thankful for her role in my life. I strongly encourage everyone to pray to and adore St. Rita. She truly is the saint of the impossible and pulled a miracle for me and my family.
I still can’t believe I asked her for one thing and she gave me something so much better. Truly the saint of the impossible.
Submitted by myself, web author
It's been a couple of months since I've last written on the site and again, I'm amazed by how many times I come across something with St. Rita's name on it. Today at work I was writing an article about a co-worker and he just happened to graduate from St. Rita High School. I would really like to hear from you to see if you're getting signs as well? The more I pray to St. Rita and the more I acknowledge the little signs that I'm getting, the more I seem to get. I'm so glad that I found the prayer card and I still pray to St. Rita every day. She is my favorite Saint! We will never get everything that we pray for in life, but I know for a fact that if I pray to St. Rita I will get the answer that is best for my life's journey and for those around me. Thank you again for visiting this site!
St Rita has answered my prayers. I was a graduate of nursing school and had been unable to find a job in my profession.
I prayed to her night and day for several days and I recieved a job offer. I truly believe in her intercession and her answering prayers.
Thank you precious pearl! Thanks to you and your intercession with Jesus our lord I am employed!
I prayed to Saint Rita because I really wanted to be promoted in a managerial role at my workplace. It seemed very impossible because the deadline to apply for the promotions already passed and the candidates had already been hired. However, I presented a job proposition to my managers that would put me in a leadership role and they really liked it and ended up hiring me for the job! I know that the holy and loving Saint Rita helped me. Her miracles are appreciated by me and so many others. I feel comforted that everything is possible when one prays to Saint Rita. Thank you so much Saint Rita!!!!!
Testimonial from MJ J
Thank you St Rita for interceding for me and helping me get pregnant after many years of trying. Thank you for listening and answering to my prayers my sisters and cousins prayers. Its a miracle that I am pregnant through your Novena and prayers. Anything is possible with St Rita.
Testimonial from Marie P.
I recently prayed to St. Rita and asked her to intercede on my behalf to the Lord Jesus regarding a couple of situations in my life to include my son. He was in danger of being put out of the AMT automotive program because he was sliping in his grades. It was so bad that the school contacted the sponsor he worked for and told her. She in turn had a talk with our son and wanted to meet with my husband and me as well. Mind you this is nothing new with our son. He's had this habit since middle and high school. My husband being totally disgusted with our son refused to meet with the sponsor. I in turn spoke with my son's sponsor by phone and she layed it all out on the line what she told him. She expressed how lazy he was, but very smart. She demanded he turn in all the backup assignments no later than Tuesday the following week he was to return back to school.
I kept praying to St. Rita. I had decided also get this book "Make Today Count," one for me and one for my son. We started reading it together. It pointed out some things that made him take a look at what he had been doing and change his habits. I also told him I needed him to step up and be a man, because if something were to happen to both me and his dad, who would take care of his sister. This really got to him. He begin to cry and so did I, but it was something he needed to hear. He and I made a pack to commit to checking our attitude as it contributes to the way your life will turnout.
Upon returning back to school, if I didn't say, he is in college. My son turned in all his assignments as promised, but was pulled aside by his instructor and told he could no longer be in the program and he done all he could for my son, but again it was expressed my son was lazy resulted in bad grades. My son called me at work to tell me the bad news. In the middle of getting the words out he broke down and began crying and told me he failed and it was all his fault. I felt so bad for him just as we were on our way to a breakthrough. I consoled him and told him it was not the end of college, he just wouldn't be allowed to finish the program in which he would graduate next year 2015. I told him just finish out the semester and we'll move forward. I reported it to my husband, but not to the extend my son has told it to me. There was no reason to have his dad come down on him. My husband suggested that he see if they would allow him to withdraw from the class as a courtesy. In doing so, another student overhead what was happening. He went to the same instructor who had just told my son, he could no longer be in the program and asked him to check his grade. In the progress of checking the other student's grade the student glanced at my son's grade points and discovered my son was only four points away from passing the class. The Instructor and student immediately ran into the Coordinator's office and explained it was an error. The Instructor has looked at an outdated report.
I give all THANKS, to St. Rita and her Holy Spouse Jesus, for this was truly impossible. This was was truly St. Rita's doing. Please include this Thank You to her and place it on your webpage for me. I will continue to pray for her intercession for the other situation in my life. I know it's closer to being granted.
Testimonial from Lori K.
was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was going in for some blood work and I was very scared. Some one told me to say the novena to St. Rita. The women said start today & the novena will end the day your blood is taken. I prayed it & then said Jesus I trust in YOU! Today the dr called blood work normal & my one level went down.. Thank you St. Rita !
Testimonial from Begonia
Dear webmaster,
Thank you for providing an open and free forum for those who wish to speak about the Lord's blessings through the prayers of St. Rita. I am one of them. Please feel free to publish this testimony. I had been praying to God through St. Rita for a number of intentions, most of them not for me. But lately, I had been going through one financial crisis after another, primarily brought on by new taxes imposed by our government that whittled down further the meager income and allowances that we used to enjoy. It has been brutal. Even the smallest amounts had been taxed without mercy. It is not a small thing in our world because inflation has been so high. Prices of food, utilities, fare and...basically everything, had been rising steadily. The tax burdens had been new burdens because our salaries and benefits had not increased in proportion to inflation rates.
The effect on a lot of people, myself included, was to drastically reduce what little money we had for our necessities and for the payment of our loans. It came to the point that for the past few months, I had to scramble for money just to buy milk and diapers for my daughter. Getting new loans just to get by was not an option because I have three loans already.
I prayed for financial support, I prayed for St. Rita's intercession to stop the tax collectors from further reducing our income and allowances. Today, I learned that our superiors had approved an allowance equivalent to a month's salary and that, according to initial reports, it will not be taxed. I will use this amount to raise my savings to the minimum required amount, as these had dwindled to less than the required minimum. I had to resort to savings to pay for a week's worth of food and other bills. I have nothing to fall back on if, God forbid, I feel sick or some other emergency happened.
And so, St. Rita has been instrumental in bringing about this much-needed relief from financial hardship. I say her novena everyday to say thank you and to continue petitioning for other graces.
Thank You, Lord through our beloved St. Rita, for your endless mercy.
As the owner/author of this site, I am personally asking all of you to prayer for a little girl that has recently relapsed with cancer. She has been fighting for four years and she was in remission for a short time, but now the cancer has returned. I am so torn about praying for sick children-I believe so much in the power of prayer and the power of miracles, yet, why does one child get a miracle and another child passes away? People are begging for prayers for this little girl, stating that she deserves a miracle, but don't all children? I am begging you to pray for her, a little girl named Emily, and her family, that they remain strong and that their love will carry them through this very difficult journey. I am also praying for the impossible: she has less than a 5% chance of survival. But I am praying to St. Rita for "the impossible", that this little girl may go into remission once again. Thank you for your support, your comments, your messages and God bless all of you! xoxo
June 28, 2015
Thank you to all who prayed for the little girl with cancer. Sadly, she passed at the end of May. Her parents and sister are devastated, yet they remain faithful every day. Their baby girl is now free from pain and I believe that she is an angel. Her family has inspired thousands, possible even millions of people around the world. I am inspired by her parents who, in their darkest hours, have never lost their faith. Please continue to pray for her family. Thank you!
June 28, 2015
This testimonial was sent to me by Marie P.
Thank you for sharing, Marie...
An ad made its way to the page that i was reading online and thanks to it i learned that the application for the licensure exam for teachers for March 2015 was due in a couple of weeks that time. My office obligations appeared to be manageable so I decided to apply for the exam without forethought. Now, securing the papers pertinent for the application turned out to be a little hard work; I needed to go to Manila and Baguio from Pampanga then back to Tarlac a number of times just to acquire documents from my college alma mater and from my grad school-- both with processing periods of 2-3 days. It seemed I will not be able to reach PRC's deadline for filing so I exhausted all means to make it to the cut off date. As if I had to realize that I should refrain plunging into unpremeditated decisions, I was given the green light to push with the airport's bid for the Philippine Quality Award, and that meant compressing a year's work into a month. I felt that I have bitten off more than I could chew when what was left as my review time for the LET was a meager 2-week period wherein I also had to attend to office deliverables, grad school requirements, among others. I tried reading as much as I could only during my free time at work and that alone was what I got. On the exam day, other examinees started mentioning their review centers and their numerous reference materials;all of which I did not have. All I had was my faith that though my review time was insufficient, I will pass the exam. Gen Ed and Prof Ed sections turned out like a breeze. I wish the examination ended there! The Specialization part made me wish I was a Literature major in college and not a Journalism major. It was like getting chemistry queries on your expected physics exam! It dawned on me that even though I've nailed the first 2exams well, there is a big chance for the Specialization Part to pull my final score down since its percentage on the computation is the heaviest among the 3sets. I started calling saints Judas Thaddeus, Teresa of Avila, and Blessed Jose Maria De Manila, having in mind the time, expenses, and hard work plus the license as a prerequisite to my job promotion that I didn't want to go to waste. Then I came across an article discussing the lengthy marvelous miracles of St.Rita of Cascia; most striking of which was her being able to transform a stick into a vine. Out of obedience from her superior, she watered the stick despite criticisms from others, and eventually turned it into a beautiful grape vine that still exists todate. I have learned about St.Rita a day before her novena was intended to be said so I felt the novena was really for me to recite.It is true when they say that God doesn't owe us anything-yet in His grace, He still gives us good things.My intercession request from St.Rita of Cascia, whose feast day was yesterday and whose canonization date is tomorrow, was so efficacious that this morning, I got the good result from my novena and from my prayer intentions. Deo Gratias 5.24.2015
June 28, 2015
This is an amazing story that was submitted by a person whom wishes to remain anonymous.
My daughter is about to graduate from high school. Since she was 6, she spoke about going to a very particular, prestigious college. She wouldn't even consider another school, but I forced her to apply to other schools as a back-up plan. She wasn't accepted to her dream school. She's a great student with a 3.5 GPA, but still didn't meet the high academic admission standards of her dream school. Since receiving the devastating news that she was declined admission, I have tried for the past 2.5 months to get her excited about college, but to no avail. I couldn't get her to consider any of the 4 great offers to other coveted schools, to look for a roommate, to consider housing, to purchase any clothing with another school's name, or to take down the little shrine in her room devoted to her dream college (a constant reminder of her disappointment.) With 10 days remaining to make a commitment to another college and accept a generous academic scholarship, she said she wanted to drive an hour and a half in the hopes of meeting one person from the admissions office that could reverse their decision. She had already been told "no" despite intervention from the school's lobbyist (recruited as an advocate for my daughter by a close personal friend), intervention from a member of the Governor's cabinet who recruited another personal friend who oversees the activities at this school's satellite campuses, and letters of recommendation from alumni. She was still told "no." But my daughter still felt in her heart that this is where she belonged, so she took the drive and was afforded 5 minutes from an admissions counselor who didn't express any emotion, but promised to look at her application. Today, with the intervention and answered prayers from St. Rita, and with only 4 days remaining before a commitment must be made, my daughter received an acceptance letter from her dream school. All credit goes to Saint Rita who answered our prayers and used this admissions counselor to restore hope in my daughter and allowed her to believe in her dreams again.
June 28, 2015
Another amazing story submitted by: Justin
During my time in a professional program, I went through some serious trials and tribulations that would have essentially ended in early termination of the program. Luckily I came across a card about St. Rita and her life. So I prayed asking to stay in the program and to complete it. She heard my prayer and I finished the program a few months ago!! St. Rita does answer prayers!! Thank you St. Rita!! Praise God!
Testimonial Submitted Anonymously
I would just like to thank St. Rita for helping me out. I have often asked other saints to intercede on my behalf (usually St. Pio and St. Philomena), and they have been very helpful. However, I learned that St. Rita was the patroness of unhappy/broken/troubled marriages, so after a serious argument with my partner, I decided to try approaching St. Rita as well. We're just in the relationship stage and are not yet married, but I trusted that St. Rita would still help us somehow.
I prayed that this would not mark the end of our relationship, and that, if we could reconcile, we could go forward by constantly improving and not succumbing to negative thoughts and emotions. We are still together, and although - may God, St. Rita and the other saints forgive me for this - I have succumbed to some negative thoughts since then, I think I feel a lot calmer these days, and less prone to anger, jealousy, or other irrational thoughts.
St. Rita has definitely helped me my partner and me stay together, and I trust that she can also help us strengthen our relationship. I hope and pray that it will lead to marriage, and that she can continue to watch over us if/when that happens. (Just to clarify: I don't want to make the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Pio, St. Philomena, and the Holy Souls upset; I know that they helped me, too, and I would like to say that I am grateful to them, as well. I am focusing on St. Rita here because, for one, this is a website devoted to St. Rita, and, as the newest saint I have approached, I don't think I've properly thanked her yet.)
Anyway, I encourage people to approach St. Rita, as she is, indeed, someone who can help you in your time of need, no matter how impossible your request may seem.
Anonymous Testimonial
My fiancé and I were having a tough time and heft home. I consistency prayed to St. Rita asking her to intercede for me to bring my fiancé back. She has also inspired me about patience and forgiveness with her story. I feel very connected to her. She answered my prayers three weeks later and we are a happy couple. I want to thank St. Rita so much for her intercession.
Testimonial from Darrin
I want to thank St. Rita for her intercessory prayer. Lost my job six weeks ago and obtained a job offer today to work for County. I am most grateful! May I add, it was also St. Rita that made it possible for my family to move from California to Colorado and upon our move we drove 1100 miles arriving in Colorado on May 22nd 2008, the feast of St. Rita where a job was waiting for me.
Message From Mark
Saint Rita, thank you for your powerful intercession before the blessed trinity for my petition.
My prayer has been answered!!
Posted by myself: Web Author
I'm very sad to say that my mom passed away suddenly while she was on vacation in Mexico in May. I haven't been the same since. It will take me a long time to heal. My dad passed away three years ago from cancer. I hated to see him suffer, but I did have a little time to try to prepare for his passing. My mom was here one minute, sending me texts of the beautiful palm trees in Mexico and gone a half of an hour later. I'm devastated. I'm crying constantly. But every time that I pray to St. Rita to help me to stop crying and sobbing so hard all of the time, I tend to calm down and feel better. I'm going through a lot of grief right now as my dog also passed away in December. Some people say "it's just a dog", but she was my family. I've suffered a lot of loss in a short period of time. I'm so glad that I found St. Rita. She is helping to bring me comfort. I will grieve for my parents for years to come. I was extremely close with my mom as we worked together for 21 years. I will continue to pray for you, but I hope it's not selfish to ask you to please pray for my family, especially my siblings and my stepdad who is now very lost without my mom. Thank you and much love to you all! I appreciate your messages and I'm praying for you!!! XOXO
Submitted By Susanne
Can you please make it known that I had a prayer answered by St. Rita. I will forever hold her as my special Saint. I will forever pray to her and believe in her heart. Thank you - please make it be public
Submitted by Mireille
St. Rita is my patron saint whom I adore. She is truly the saint of the impossible, as she has proven to me many times. This time she really came through for me and I would like to submit this as a testimonial (as I promised her that I would do) and hope that you will share it on your website. I always pray to St. Rita but for the past year I have been praying for something in particular, for her to help me get the job that I have been working so hard to attain. This may seem like a menial request but it was a truly impossible case and I will explain why. I have been applying for faculty positions at the University where I have done my graduate and postgraduate studies since I haven't been able to leave the city as both of my parent are very ill and I cannot leave them. The university policies dictate that they cannot hire an internal candidate as a Professor and I cannot count the number of people that told me to stop trying and that it is impossible for me to get a position here. But I kept trying and kept praying to St. Rita to help me with this impossible feat. And it is truly a miracle that after a long year of struggling and almost giving up hope that I have been hired as a professor at this university. This is truly a miracle and I know the only reason that it happened is because St. Rita along with Jesus and Mary helped me. I thank her with all my heart and urge everyone to seek her help and she will not let you down.
Anonymous Testimonial
I have a testimonial that I would love to share that involves St. Rita.
Someone who I care for very dearly has really strayed far from her faith and the catholic church. I decided to purchase a green scapular and St. Benedict medal an have them both blessed so that I could hide them in her purse or home. I was leaving out of town the next day and I would not return for almost 2 months so I was really concerned that I was not going to be able to give them to her. I didn't even have a chance to get them blessed so I quickly called the Catholic church near me and prayed to St. Rita that a priest would be there so that both the medal and green scapular could be blessed. I called and initially there was no priest and at the last second the lady on the phone said that a visiting priest had just walked in and that he would bless them. I had them both blessed and quickly returned back so I could hide them somewhere in her belongings. I again prayed to St. Rita that she would allow me to give both the medal and the green scapular to this person whom I care for deeply and next thing I know I received a text from her in which she asked if I could watch her dog. I thought I would be allowed inside but she did not let me but she did give me a bag that she uses a lot that had some of his toys. I was able to hide them both in the bag and although it wasn't how I expected to hide them it was an opportunity that worked in which St. Rita planned it out for me. I am so thankful for the intersession of St. Rita during this great time of need. I continue to pray for the conversion of this person that I care for deeply but I know in time it will happen with faith and prayer. THANK YOU ST. RITA! PATRON SAINT OF THE IMPOSSIBLE!
Submitted Anonymously
Pls publish my testimony.
I was drawn to the Novena of st. Rita due to my son's constant illness, I did it for nine days and also to the lady of Lourdes too, and a month later, my son stopped falling ill, till today Moy boy has never taken ill, he's vibrant, healthy, hale and hearty. I am about to do another for the fruit of conception and I strongly believe, she will intercede for me.
Submitted by: MK
This was my experience on doing the novena to St. Rita of Cascia. This happened three years ago, in 2015.
My uncle had been detained in another country due to some civil cases regarding his employment status. I prayed the novena during the latter part of the month of March. My other family members were not aware (or if I did mention it, they did not care much) that I had been praying the novena to St. Rita. After a few months had passed, I was surprised that one day my uncle was already home. Since it had been quite a long time and I had had already been busy with my own troubles, I forgot to attribute this good news to the intercession of St. Rita. After a few days, however, I looked at our calendar and saw the date of her feast day which was in the month of May. I then remembered that I did the novena two months ago. I was also then amazed with my realization: my uncle's homecoming coincided (or missed by 1 or 2 days) with St. Rita's Feast Day. At that moment I thought I could only really attribute this good news to the intercession of St. Rita.
Praise the Lord. Glory to God!
Submitted by : Johnathon
Share this story, please.
St Rita has answered many of my prayers in 2017 and 2018 !
This is how it all began. I was very ill in January 2017.
First day, I prayed the Novena to St Rita. I asked for better health.
Second day, I prayed the Novena to St. Rita. asked for better finances.
Third day, I prayed the Novena to St. Rita. I asked for Peace.
The result of my Third Prayer was instantaneous !
A window opened. And I saw a vision . In the vision, I was seated in a chair with arms and back. God Himself took me to Heaven at a great speed.
I saw Heaven. It had something like a carpet of clouds. There was very beautiful building , made of jewels or minerals.
The building had a wall around it. In the wall was a gate.
In front of the gate was a Man. He was holding the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven.
I saw, I understood. Not a word was spoken. I remained seated.
And God took me back to Earth.
I remember everything.
Many good things have happened since , for me and for those whom I have prayed for through St. Rita.
Today is the Feast day of St. Rita. I spent some time reflecting on this page and how I found the card over thirteen years ago. I still say the prayer every single day of my life. I still get many signs from St. Rita that she is with me. I still rely on her to work in my life through God and make things that would otherwise seem impossible, possible. I am so thankful for all of the miracles in my life. I still believe that I was meant to find that card and share the prayer with others. As of today, over 256,000 people have visited this site. I hope that they are also sharing the story of St. Rita and the prayer with others.
God uses us to help others and St.Rita is like my friend who is helping me do God's work. I hope that St. Rita has helped you as well. It's hard to believe that it's been over thirteen years since I discovered this Saint and her prayer. I will continue to post and update and keep all of you in my prayers!
Testimony from Yani E.
I would like to give my testimonial regarding the success I have received by praying St. Rita's Novena for impossible causes.
I am a graduating college student taking up my bachelor's degree in Psychology. Though I may not be the smartest and most active kid in class, I managed to pull through with good grades. I did fail a few subjects which put the chances of meaning earning Latin honors low. And so I decided to pray fervently to St. Rita for her kind intercession.
I went to uni to submit graduation requirements and to talk with our department head. I mustered all of my courage and shyly asked him if I made the cut. To my surprise, he said yes! Oh St. Rita, I am extremely grateful for your intercession. I hope that this gets published, as I made a promise to her that I will share my answered prayer and I found this website as a suitable avenue. Thank you for taking the time to read this and may God bless you.
Submitted by myself, author
It's hard to believe that I found the prayer card over 14 years ago. I'm still amazed at how many "impossible" things have happened in my life. I still say this prayer
daily, mostly for other people. I still get signs from St. Rita and I know that she is like an angel that is watching over all of us who pray
to her and ask for her protection. All prayers are answered and if they are not answered in the way that we think that we want them to be answered, we are
always comforted. I would like to thank everybody who has sent me a message over these past 9 years that I have had this website. I hope that this site is a source of inspiration and comfort for you. I am keeping all of you in my prayers.
Submitted Anonymously
I was stuck in a dead-end job with an insanely long commute. It created much difficulty for my family and was just hard to get up and face that commute. It was a commute that was so long and bad by the time I got to work, I felt like I had already put a full day’s worth of work in.
It was also a dead-end job with a big company that had done several rounds of downsizing. It also in a part of the country where few job opportunities existed. If I moved and ended up getting laid off, it would be hard to find another job in that region.
My wife absolutely didn’t want to move there and I wasn’t thrilled about the prospect, but wanted to end the commute.
We were faced with moving to some place we didn’t want to move to to work at a company that was struggling financially in a region that had few jobs. Or endure an awful commute that, on some days, made it impossible to see my child.
One day, I saw an ad for a company I always dreamed of working for, but never thought I actually would get the chance.
I sent them a resume just because I had nothing to lose. It would require a move, but we’d be relocating to another city where there were tons of job opportunities.
I didn’t expect to hear anything, but surprisingly, I did. I was so excited. They wanted me to fill out a survey, write an essay and do a little mini-interview. It didn’t work out, but I didn’t expect it would.
About a month later, another similar opportunity came along. Again, they expressed interest. I couldn’t let two opportunities pass because I knew there would never be a third.
I did everything I could to land this job. As a Catholic, I began praying to saints and even looked up the Saint of The Impossible. I had never heard of St. Rita before, but I figured it was worth a try.
Here is the amazing thing. While praying to St. Rita, a rival of the company I wanted to work for care out of the blue and offered me much better job than the one I wanted.
It was completely surprising and unexpected and all because I prayed to St. Rita.
I could not believe it. I asked St. Rita for one job and she found me a better one. Now I’ve got a great job at a great company in a city with tons of opportunities. I also now have a commute where I can take my son to day care, much less worry that I won’t see him at night.
This is all because of St. Rita and I am so grateful and thankful for her role in my life. I strongly encourage everyone to pray to and adore St. Rita. She truly is the saint of the impossible and pulled a miracle for me and my family.
I still can’t believe I asked her for one thing and she gave me something so much better. Truly the saint of the impossible.
Submitted by myself, web author
It's been a couple of months since I've last written on the site and again, I'm amazed by how many times I come across something with St. Rita's name on it. Today at work I was writing an article about a co-worker and he just happened to graduate from St. Rita High School. I would really like to hear from you to see if you're getting signs as well? The more I pray to St. Rita and the more I acknowledge the little signs that I'm getting, the more I seem to get. I'm so glad that I found the prayer card and I still pray to St. Rita every day. She is my favorite Saint! We will never get everything that we pray for in life, but I know for a fact that if I pray to St. Rita I will get the answer that is best for my life's journey and for those around me. Thank you again for visiting this site!
St Rita has answered my prayers. I was a graduate of nursing school and had been unable to find a job in my profession.
I prayed to her night and day for several days and I recieved a job offer. I truly believe in her intercession and her answering prayers.
Thank you precious pearl! Thanks to you and your intercession with Jesus our lord I am employed!
I prayed to Saint Rita because I really wanted to be promoted in a managerial role at my workplace. It seemed very impossible because the deadline to apply for the promotions already passed and the candidates had already been hired. However, I presented a job proposition to my managers that would put me in a leadership role and they really liked it and ended up hiring me for the job! I know that the holy and loving Saint Rita helped me. Her miracles are appreciated by me and so many others. I feel comforted that everything is possible when one prays to Saint Rita. Thank you so much Saint Rita!!!!!
Testimonial from MJ J
Thank you St Rita for interceding for me and helping me get pregnant after many years of trying. Thank you for listening and answering to my prayers my sisters and cousins prayers. Its a miracle that I am pregnant through your Novena and prayers. Anything is possible with St Rita.
Testimonial from Marie P.
I recently prayed to St. Rita and asked her to intercede on my behalf to the Lord Jesus regarding a couple of situations in my life to include my son. He was in danger of being put out of the AMT automotive program because he was sliping in his grades. It was so bad that the school contacted the sponsor he worked for and told her. She in turn had a talk with our son and wanted to meet with my husband and me as well. Mind you this is nothing new with our son. He's had this habit since middle and high school. My husband being totally disgusted with our son refused to meet with the sponsor. I in turn spoke with my son's sponsor by phone and she layed it all out on the line what she told him. She expressed how lazy he was, but very smart. She demanded he turn in all the backup assignments no later than Tuesday the following week he was to return back to school.
I kept praying to St. Rita. I had decided also get this book "Make Today Count," one for me and one for my son. We started reading it together. It pointed out some things that made him take a look at what he had been doing and change his habits. I also told him I needed him to step up and be a man, because if something were to happen to both me and his dad, who would take care of his sister. This really got to him. He begin to cry and so did I, but it was something he needed to hear. He and I made a pack to commit to checking our attitude as it contributes to the way your life will turnout.
Upon returning back to school, if I didn't say, he is in college. My son turned in all his assignments as promised, but was pulled aside by his instructor and told he could no longer be in the program and he done all he could for my son, but again it was expressed my son was lazy resulted in bad grades. My son called me at work to tell me the bad news. In the middle of getting the words out he broke down and began crying and told me he failed and it was all his fault. I felt so bad for him just as we were on our way to a breakthrough. I consoled him and told him it was not the end of college, he just wouldn't be allowed to finish the program in which he would graduate next year 2015. I told him just finish out the semester and we'll move forward. I reported it to my husband, but not to the extend my son has told it to me. There was no reason to have his dad come down on him. My husband suggested that he see if they would allow him to withdraw from the class as a courtesy. In doing so, another student overhead what was happening. He went to the same instructor who had just told my son, he could no longer be in the program and asked him to check his grade. In the progress of checking the other student's grade the student glanced at my son's grade points and discovered my son was only four points away from passing the class. The Instructor and student immediately ran into the Coordinator's office and explained it was an error. The Instructor has looked at an outdated report.
I give all THANKS, to St. Rita and her Holy Spouse Jesus, for this was truly impossible. This was was truly St. Rita's doing. Please include this Thank You to her and place it on your webpage for me. I will continue to pray for her intercession for the other situation in my life. I know it's closer to being granted.
Testimonial from Lori K.
was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was going in for some blood work and I was very scared. Some one told me to say the novena to St. Rita. The women said start today & the novena will end the day your blood is taken. I prayed it & then said Jesus I trust in YOU! Today the dr called blood work normal & my one level went down.. Thank you St. Rita !
Testimonial from Begonia
Dear webmaster,
Thank you for providing an open and free forum for those who wish to speak about the Lord's blessings through the prayers of St. Rita. I am one of them. Please feel free to publish this testimony. I had been praying to God through St. Rita for a number of intentions, most of them not for me. But lately, I had been going through one financial crisis after another, primarily brought on by new taxes imposed by our government that whittled down further the meager income and allowances that we used to enjoy. It has been brutal. Even the smallest amounts had been taxed without mercy. It is not a small thing in our world because inflation has been so high. Prices of food, utilities, fare and...basically everything, had been rising steadily. The tax burdens had been new burdens because our salaries and benefits had not increased in proportion to inflation rates.
The effect on a lot of people, myself included, was to drastically reduce what little money we had for our necessities and for the payment of our loans. It came to the point that for the past few months, I had to scramble for money just to buy milk and diapers for my daughter. Getting new loans just to get by was not an option because I have three loans already.
I prayed for financial support, I prayed for St. Rita's intercession to stop the tax collectors from further reducing our income and allowances. Today, I learned that our superiors had approved an allowance equivalent to a month's salary and that, according to initial reports, it will not be taxed. I will use this amount to raise my savings to the minimum required amount, as these had dwindled to less than the required minimum. I had to resort to savings to pay for a week's worth of food and other bills. I have nothing to fall back on if, God forbid, I feel sick or some other emergency happened.
And so, St. Rita has been instrumental in bringing about this much-needed relief from financial hardship. I say her novena everyday to say thank you and to continue petitioning for other graces.
Thank You, Lord through our beloved St. Rita, for your endless mercy.
As the owner/author of this site, I am personally asking all of you to prayer for a little girl that has recently relapsed with cancer. She has been fighting for four years and she was in remission for a short time, but now the cancer has returned. I am so torn about praying for sick children-I believe so much in the power of prayer and the power of miracles, yet, why does one child get a miracle and another child passes away? People are begging for prayers for this little girl, stating that she deserves a miracle, but don't all children? I am begging you to pray for her, a little girl named Emily, and her family, that they remain strong and that their love will carry them through this very difficult journey. I am also praying for the impossible: she has less than a 5% chance of survival. But I am praying to St. Rita for "the impossible", that this little girl may go into remission once again. Thank you for your support, your comments, your messages and God bless all of you! xoxo
June 28, 2015
Thank you to all who prayed for the little girl with cancer. Sadly, she passed at the end of May. Her parents and sister are devastated, yet they remain faithful every day. Their baby girl is now free from pain and I believe that she is an angel. Her family has inspired thousands, possible even millions of people around the world. I am inspired by her parents who, in their darkest hours, have never lost their faith. Please continue to pray for her family. Thank you!
June 28, 2015
This testimonial was sent to me by Marie P.
Thank you for sharing, Marie...
An ad made its way to the page that i was reading online and thanks to it i learned that the application for the licensure exam for teachers for March 2015 was due in a couple of weeks that time. My office obligations appeared to be manageable so I decided to apply for the exam without forethought. Now, securing the papers pertinent for the application turned out to be a little hard work; I needed to go to Manila and Baguio from Pampanga then back to Tarlac a number of times just to acquire documents from my college alma mater and from my grad school-- both with processing periods of 2-3 days. It seemed I will not be able to reach PRC's deadline for filing so I exhausted all means to make it to the cut off date. As if I had to realize that I should refrain plunging into unpremeditated decisions, I was given the green light to push with the airport's bid for the Philippine Quality Award, and that meant compressing a year's work into a month. I felt that I have bitten off more than I could chew when what was left as my review time for the LET was a meager 2-week period wherein I also had to attend to office deliverables, grad school requirements, among others. I tried reading as much as I could only during my free time at work and that alone was what I got. On the exam day, other examinees started mentioning their review centers and their numerous reference materials;all of which I did not have. All I had was my faith that though my review time was insufficient, I will pass the exam. Gen Ed and Prof Ed sections turned out like a breeze. I wish the examination ended there! The Specialization part made me wish I was a Literature major in college and not a Journalism major. It was like getting chemistry queries on your expected physics exam! It dawned on me that even though I've nailed the first 2exams well, there is a big chance for the Specialization Part to pull my final score down since its percentage on the computation is the heaviest among the 3sets. I started calling saints Judas Thaddeus, Teresa of Avila, and Blessed Jose Maria De Manila, having in mind the time, expenses, and hard work plus the license as a prerequisite to my job promotion that I didn't want to go to waste. Then I came across an article discussing the lengthy marvelous miracles of St.Rita of Cascia; most striking of which was her being able to transform a stick into a vine. Out of obedience from her superior, she watered the stick despite criticisms from others, and eventually turned it into a beautiful grape vine that still exists todate. I have learned about St.Rita a day before her novena was intended to be said so I felt the novena was really for me to recite.It is true when they say that God doesn't owe us anything-yet in His grace, He still gives us good things.My intercession request from St.Rita of Cascia, whose feast day was yesterday and whose canonization date is tomorrow, was so efficacious that this morning, I got the good result from my novena and from my prayer intentions. Deo Gratias 5.24.2015
June 28, 2015
This is an amazing story that was submitted by a person whom wishes to remain anonymous.
My daughter is about to graduate from high school. Since she was 6, she spoke about going to a very particular, prestigious college. She wouldn't even consider another school, but I forced her to apply to other schools as a back-up plan. She wasn't accepted to her dream school. She's a great student with a 3.5 GPA, but still didn't meet the high academic admission standards of her dream school. Since receiving the devastating news that she was declined admission, I have tried for the past 2.5 months to get her excited about college, but to no avail. I couldn't get her to consider any of the 4 great offers to other coveted schools, to look for a roommate, to consider housing, to purchase any clothing with another school's name, or to take down the little shrine in her room devoted to her dream college (a constant reminder of her disappointment.) With 10 days remaining to make a commitment to another college and accept a generous academic scholarship, she said she wanted to drive an hour and a half in the hopes of meeting one person from the admissions office that could reverse their decision. She had already been told "no" despite intervention from the school's lobbyist (recruited as an advocate for my daughter by a close personal friend), intervention from a member of the Governor's cabinet who recruited another personal friend who oversees the activities at this school's satellite campuses, and letters of recommendation from alumni. She was still told "no." But my daughter still felt in her heart that this is where she belonged, so she took the drive and was afforded 5 minutes from an admissions counselor who didn't express any emotion, but promised to look at her application. Today, with the intervention and answered prayers from St. Rita, and with only 4 days remaining before a commitment must be made, my daughter received an acceptance letter from her dream school. All credit goes to Saint Rita who answered our prayers and used this admissions counselor to restore hope in my daughter and allowed her to believe in her dreams again.
June 28, 2015
Another amazing story submitted by: Justin
During my time in a professional program, I went through some serious trials and tribulations that would have essentially ended in early termination of the program. Luckily I came across a card about St. Rita and her life. So I prayed asking to stay in the program and to complete it. She heard my prayer and I finished the program a few months ago!! St. Rita does answer prayers!! Thank you St. Rita!! Praise God!
Testimonial Submitted Anonymously
I would just like to thank St. Rita for helping me out. I have often asked other saints to intercede on my behalf (usually St. Pio and St. Philomena), and they have been very helpful. However, I learned that St. Rita was the patroness of unhappy/broken/troubled marriages, so after a serious argument with my partner, I decided to try approaching St. Rita as well. We're just in the relationship stage and are not yet married, but I trusted that St. Rita would still help us somehow.
I prayed that this would not mark the end of our relationship, and that, if we could reconcile, we could go forward by constantly improving and not succumbing to negative thoughts and emotions. We are still together, and although - may God, St. Rita and the other saints forgive me for this - I have succumbed to some negative thoughts since then, I think I feel a lot calmer these days, and less prone to anger, jealousy, or other irrational thoughts.
St. Rita has definitely helped me my partner and me stay together, and I trust that she can also help us strengthen our relationship. I hope and pray that it will lead to marriage, and that she can continue to watch over us if/when that happens. (Just to clarify: I don't want to make the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Pio, St. Philomena, and the Holy Souls upset; I know that they helped me, too, and I would like to say that I am grateful to them, as well. I am focusing on St. Rita here because, for one, this is a website devoted to St. Rita, and, as the newest saint I have approached, I don't think I've properly thanked her yet.)
Anyway, I encourage people to approach St. Rita, as she is, indeed, someone who can help you in your time of need, no matter how impossible your request may seem.
Anonymous Testimonial
My fiancé and I were having a tough time and heft home. I consistency prayed to St. Rita asking her to intercede for me to bring my fiancé back. She has also inspired me about patience and forgiveness with her story. I feel very connected to her. She answered my prayers three weeks later and we are a happy couple. I want to thank St. Rita so much for her intercession.
Testimonial from Darrin
I want to thank St. Rita for her intercessory prayer. Lost my job six weeks ago and obtained a job offer today to work for County. I am most grateful! May I add, it was also St. Rita that made it possible for my family to move from California to Colorado and upon our move we drove 1100 miles arriving in Colorado on May 22nd 2008, the feast of St. Rita where a job was waiting for me.
Message From Mark
Saint Rita, thank you for your powerful intercession before the blessed trinity for my petition.
My prayer has been answered!!
Posted by myself: Web Author
I'm very sad to say that my mom passed away suddenly while she was on vacation in Mexico in May. I haven't been the same since. It will take me a long time to heal. My dad passed away three years ago from cancer. I hated to see him suffer, but I did have a little time to try to prepare for his passing. My mom was here one minute, sending me texts of the beautiful palm trees in Mexico and gone a half of an hour later. I'm devastated. I'm crying constantly. But every time that I pray to St. Rita to help me to stop crying and sobbing so hard all of the time, I tend to calm down and feel better. I'm going through a lot of grief right now as my dog also passed away in December. Some people say "it's just a dog", but she was my family. I've suffered a lot of loss in a short period of time. I'm so glad that I found St. Rita. She is helping to bring me comfort. I will grieve for my parents for years to come. I was extremely close with my mom as we worked together for 21 years. I will continue to pray for you, but I hope it's not selfish to ask you to please pray for my family, especially my siblings and my stepdad who is now very lost without my mom. Thank you and much love to you all! I appreciate your messages and I'm praying for you!!! XOXO
Submitted By Susanne
Can you please make it known that I had a prayer answered by St. Rita. I will forever hold her as my special Saint. I will forever pray to her and believe in her heart. Thank you - please make it be public
Submitted by Mireille
St. Rita is my patron saint whom I adore. She is truly the saint of the impossible, as she has proven to me many times. This time she really came through for me and I would like to submit this as a testimonial (as I promised her that I would do) and hope that you will share it on your website. I always pray to St. Rita but for the past year I have been praying for something in particular, for her to help me get the job that I have been working so hard to attain. This may seem like a menial request but it was a truly impossible case and I will explain why. I have been applying for faculty positions at the University where I have done my graduate and postgraduate studies since I haven't been able to leave the city as both of my parent are very ill and I cannot leave them. The university policies dictate that they cannot hire an internal candidate as a Professor and I cannot count the number of people that told me to stop trying and that it is impossible for me to get a position here. But I kept trying and kept praying to St. Rita to help me with this impossible feat. And it is truly a miracle that after a long year of struggling and almost giving up hope that I have been hired as a professor at this university. This is truly a miracle and I know the only reason that it happened is because St. Rita along with Jesus and Mary helped me. I thank her with all my heart and urge everyone to seek her help and she will not let you down.
Anonymous Testimonial
I have a testimonial that I would love to share that involves St. Rita.
Someone who I care for very dearly has really strayed far from her faith and the catholic church. I decided to purchase a green scapular and St. Benedict medal an have them both blessed so that I could hide them in her purse or home. I was leaving out of town the next day and I would not return for almost 2 months so I was really concerned that I was not going to be able to give them to her. I didn't even have a chance to get them blessed so I quickly called the Catholic church near me and prayed to St. Rita that a priest would be there so that both the medal and green scapular could be blessed. I called and initially there was no priest and at the last second the lady on the phone said that a visiting priest had just walked in and that he would bless them. I had them both blessed and quickly returned back so I could hide them somewhere in her belongings. I again prayed to St. Rita that she would allow me to give both the medal and the green scapular to this person whom I care for deeply and next thing I know I received a text from her in which she asked if I could watch her dog. I thought I would be allowed inside but she did not let me but she did give me a bag that she uses a lot that had some of his toys. I was able to hide them both in the bag and although it wasn't how I expected to hide them it was an opportunity that worked in which St. Rita planned it out for me. I am so thankful for the intersession of St. Rita during this great time of need. I continue to pray for the conversion of this person that I care for deeply but I know in time it will happen with faith and prayer. THANK YOU ST. RITA! PATRON SAINT OF THE IMPOSSIBLE!
Submitted Anonymously
Pls publish my testimony.
I was drawn to the Novena of st. Rita due to my son's constant illness, I did it for nine days and also to the lady of Lourdes too, and a month later, my son stopped falling ill, till today Moy boy has never taken ill, he's vibrant, healthy, hale and hearty. I am about to do another for the fruit of conception and I strongly believe, she will intercede for me.
Submitted by: MK
This was my experience on doing the novena to St. Rita of Cascia. This happened three years ago, in 2015.
My uncle had been detained in another country due to some civil cases regarding his employment status. I prayed the novena during the latter part of the month of March. My other family members were not aware (or if I did mention it, they did not care much) that I had been praying the novena to St. Rita. After a few months had passed, I was surprised that one day my uncle was already home. Since it had been quite a long time and I had had already been busy with my own troubles, I forgot to attribute this good news to the intercession of St. Rita. After a few days, however, I looked at our calendar and saw the date of her feast day which was in the month of May. I then remembered that I did the novena two months ago. I was also then amazed with my realization: my uncle's homecoming coincided (or missed by 1 or 2 days) with St. Rita's Feast Day. At that moment I thought I could only really attribute this good news to the intercession of St. Rita.
Praise the Lord. Glory to God!
Submitted by : Johnathon
Share this story, please.
St Rita has answered many of my prayers in 2017 and 2018 !
This is how it all began. I was very ill in January 2017.
First day, I prayed the Novena to St Rita. I asked for better health.
Second day, I prayed the Novena to St. Rita. asked for better finances.
Third day, I prayed the Novena to St. Rita. I asked for Peace.
The result of my Third Prayer was instantaneous !
A window opened. And I saw a vision . In the vision, I was seated in a chair with arms and back. God Himself took me to Heaven at a great speed.
I saw Heaven. It had something like a carpet of clouds. There was very beautiful building , made of jewels or minerals.
The building had a wall around it. In the wall was a gate.
In front of the gate was a Man. He was holding the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven.
I saw, I understood. Not a word was spoken. I remained seated.
And God took me back to Earth.
I remember everything.
Many good things have happened since , for me and for those whom I have prayed for through St. Rita.
Today is the Feast day of St. Rita. I spent some time reflecting on this page and how I found the card over thirteen years ago. I still say the prayer every single day of my life. I still get many signs from St. Rita that she is with me. I still rely on her to work in my life through God and make things that would otherwise seem impossible, possible. I am so thankful for all of the miracles in my life. I still believe that I was meant to find that card and share the prayer with others. As of today, over 256,000 people have visited this site. I hope that they are also sharing the story of St. Rita and the prayer with others.
God uses us to help others and St.Rita is like my friend who is helping me do God's work. I hope that St. Rita has helped you as well. It's hard to believe that it's been over thirteen years since I discovered this Saint and her prayer. I will continue to post and update and keep all of you in my prayers!
Testimony from Yani E.
I would like to give my testimonial regarding the success I have received by praying St. Rita's Novena for impossible causes.
I am a graduating college student taking up my bachelor's degree in Psychology. Though I may not be the smartest and most active kid in class, I managed to pull through with good grades. I did fail a few subjects which put the chances of meaning earning Latin honors low. And so I decided to pray fervently to St. Rita for her kind intercession.
I went to uni to submit graduation requirements and to talk with our department head. I mustered all of my courage and shyly asked him if I made the cut. To my surprise, he said yes! Oh St. Rita, I am extremely grateful for your intercession. I hope that this gets published, as I made a promise to her that I will share my answered prayer and I found this website as a suitable avenue. Thank you for taking the time to read this and may God bless you.
Submitted by myself, author
It's hard to believe that I found the prayer card over 14 years ago. I'm still amazed at how many "impossible" things have happened in my life. I still say this prayer
daily, mostly for other people. I still get signs from St. Rita and I know that she is like an angel that is watching over all of us who pray
to her and ask for her protection. All prayers are answered and if they are not answered in the way that we think that we want them to be answered, we are
always comforted. I would like to thank everybody who has sent me a message over these past 9 years that I have had this website. I hope that this site is a source of inspiration and comfort for you. I am keeping all of you in my prayers.